Monday, March 14, 2011

Time to get the energy going

Greetings football dudes. And fans. And just everyone who loves football - the kind played with a pigskin, even if it's not for millions.
I had a great time following the league - a decade after being involved in the NWFL with the Vancouver Cougars - and have lotsa ideas for how to pump up the league this year, starting with the webcast show Monday nights.
This blog is going to be a companion to the show. Yes, there's the league board already up, but this one will get updated with content from the show, and it'll make it's way onto as well.
It's not quite ESPN yet, but there's something to shoot for (actually, is really more the goal).
So, if you're into the league as a player or fan, keep in touch with this blog and and the Monday night webcast. And be sure to click on an ad every now and then because we get paid for that - actually pretty good as long as you click on an ad.
Let's go have some fun.
Any ideas on who the team to beat is this season, now that the Monarchs got depleted by wives and girlfriends and Madden 2010?